Winners of the 2020 Play for Change awards
Have a look at the winners of the 2020 Play for Change awards.
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In the empowerment category, the judges were looking for great toys that make children believe in themselves. No stereotypes around gender, race or appearance. Toys that were made more accessible for less-abled children were also in the running.

Barbie Empowerment
Barbie Empowerment is a Mattel initiative that covers both the fashionistas line, the role mode line and the Dream Gap campaign.
The jury was enthusiastic about how Mattel with the fashionistas line manages to ensure that all kids (no matter what size, skin tone or ability) can see themselves reflected in the toy they are playing with. This is not only important for a child’s feeling of self-worth, playing with dolls that reflect different realities than the one they are most close to also helps children to be more inclusive towards others. It was felt this was a big step forward by ways of ensuring diversity. The judges also applauded how the role model line of dolls and the Dream Gap campaign inspire girls to pursue their dreams even if these are thought of as unreachable, it has a real ‘can do’ attitude.

Twin Science Kit for the Visually Impaired
The Twin Science Kit for the visually impaired is an upgrade of the original twin science kit so that visually impaired children can play with the different modules and blocks thanks to braille embossment on the pieces. The instructions in braille are also included. This kit is aimed at children over 8 years and enables technological experiments such as assembling small scale car or an alarm clock.
The jury appreciated the efforts that had been made to ensure visually impaired children can enjoy the technological challenges of constructing an functioning object – such as an alarm clock. The same kit can now be used by everybody, whether or not visually impaired, therefore making play more inclusive. The manufacturer has collaborated with associations for the visually impaired in both the UK and in Turkey to make sure all the needs of the potential audience would be met. Whilst not the main criteria, the jury also appreciated that the marketing of the product does not make a distinction between boys and girls, clearly giving the message girls can be ‘STEM people’ too.

Creatable World
Creatable World is a gender-neutral doll with clothes and accessories that enable the child to turn it into any kind of gender identity they prefer.
The jury felt this toy give kids true freedom to ‘create’ their own doll rather than reach for something preconceived. It is not only gender inclusive but also comes with different skin tones. The doll also has a childlike appearance that helps children to see themselves when playing with it. The jury felt that the toy’s aim to break gender stereotypes is truly met. Not only does the product enable to positively represent different gender identification, but it is also clearly marketed as such. The packaging has neutral colours such as green and yellow and it displays boys and girls in order to appeal to both.